Saturday, September 18, 2010

First Major Mistake

Okay. So I have to admit to my first major mistake. I guess in the long run it isn't that large of a mistake since I have two filters.

Anyways here is the mistake. I have not had filters in one of my filters from day one of this tank. You see I went to change it yesterday only to find it empty. Maybe that's why I have so much algae in the tank.

I was going to change the water in the tank today, but I have decided to wait at least a couple days to allow beneficial bacteria to establish in the new filters. I don't think it is necessary, but I might as well.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

New Fish Boesemani Rainbowfish

So I bought 2 Boesemani Rainbowfish. Today. This should wrap up the buying of new fish for this tank.

They are fairly small right now so they lack much of the color that caused me to pick them in the first place, but that's part of the fun - Watching the fish grow up. They seem fine right now but I can't really tell since we are having a electrical issue in my house where the first flow has no power (Until it gets fixed I am running a extension cord for a hour each day to make sure the filter can at least mostly keep things in check).